
If you're in Brisbane this weekend (5 Dec) check out Submerged, an exhibition by Jordan and his mum Katie McGuire and sister Alex McGuire.

Katie's studio is closing its doors after 8 years, so she is showing the fruits of her 9 month residency with an exhibition of paintings, accompanied by a series of Jordan's collages and Alex's drawings. 

See more at the show.

About the collages Jordan says: “What interests me in this process is channeling randomness – the pure chance involved in picking up a certain magazine or book, flicking to a certain page, cutting along a certain contour and then allowing the resulting fragments a chance to interact. The focus of this series is really the interplay between these decontextualised forms, the ambiguous meaning created as unrelated objects and figures are introduced.”

Submerged opens 7pm this Saturday December 5 at LoveLove Studio, 25 Railway Tce Milton.