CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities brings together inter-disciplinary research expertise and thought-leadership to undertake research that will revolutionise water management in Australia and internationally. In collaboration with over 70 research, industry and government partners, the CRC is delivering the socio-technical urban water management solutions, education and training programs, and industry engagement required to make towns and cities water sensitive. With a budget in excess of $100million, the Centre's research will guide capital investments of more than $100 Billion by the Australian water sector and more than $550 Billion of private sector investment in urban development over the next 15 years.
The logo is an amorphous mark that represents fluid transformation – the ability of water to flow, adapt and change. In this way the identity evokes progressive research, rather than (as for example with the CWSC identity) a direct relation to disciplinary symbolism – especially since such a broad range of disciplines are involved.